Books on the LEAP Method of Communication
Despite the nearly three decades of anosognosia research and evidence, there continues to be a gap of education available to help professionals and family caregivers to address this pervasive symptom and the obstacles it creates.
Below are books on the LEAP method of communication written by Dr. Amador, internationally renowned clinical psychologist, published clinical researcher, and forensic expert.

“This book fills a tremendous void…” wrote E. Fuller Torrey, M.D., about the first edition of I AM NOT SICK, I Don’t Need Help!® Twenty years later, it still does.
Dr. Amador’s research on poor insight was inspired by his success helping his brother Henry, who developed schizophrenia, accept treatment. Like tens of millions of others diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar and substance abuse disorders, Henry did not believe he was ill.
I AM NOT SICK, I Don’t Need Help!® is not just a reference for mental health and criminal justice professionals. It is a must-read, step-by-step guide for family members whose loved ones have been devastated by mental illness.
Learn as have millions of others worldwide…to LEAP (Listen-Empathize-Agree-Partner®) to help your patients, loved ones, and others accept treatment.

This book was written because countless readers of I am Not Sick, I Don’t Need Help!® have told me that LEAP has worked for them to repair relationships, but they still stumble and don’t know how to get to the “Partner” phase.
They want to know how to use LEAP to influence behavior change such as acceptance of treatment. They forget to reflectively listen, or how to delay giving contrary hurtful opinion, or how to give their opinion using the LEAP method. They are not fluent in LEAP and, as a result, have trouble getting to partnering.
You can’t just read a single book or attend one of my seminars and expect to become fluent. By seeing how many people have used LEAP in many different situations, you will begin to internalize the language of this approach.

In this book you will see how LEAP is successfully used in relationships ranging from business, to love, to parents with their teens, and far beyond. To become fluent in the language of LEAP, you need to “cross-train.” Experiencing how LEAP works across a range of relationships provides that opportunity giving you the communication muscles you need to win the race!