When A Loved One Refuses Treatment (LEAP Approach)
Struggling with a loved one who refuses treatment? Discover the LEAP (Listen, Empathize, Agree, Partner®) approach developed by Dr. Xavier Amador. This video guides you through the key steps to building trust and cooperation, even when faced with resistance. Learn how to effectively communicate and support your loved one using proven strategies.
TEDx - Orient Harbor
While studying to become a clinical psychologist, Dr. Xavier Amador had a life-altering experience when his older brother was diagnosed with schizophrenia. In an effort to understand and help his brother, he and his colleagues at Colombia University uncovered a new way to approach patients previously thought to be in denial.
LEAP vs. The Usual Approach when Offering Treatment
Watch Dr. Amador use LEAP to offer a Long Acting Injectable (LAI) antipsychotic medication. Based on an actual offer of an LAI to one of his patients, Dr. Amador offers a LAI to a young man with serious mental illness who is unaware he is ill–has anosognosia. Dr. Amador contrasts the usual educational approach, to making the offer successfully using LEAP. Very hands-on, helpful, and detailed.
LEAP for Missed Injection of Long Acting Injectable medicine
A phone call when the appointment for an antipsychotic long-acting Injection is missed. Using LEAP reflective Listening, Empathy, Agreement and delay of hurtful opinions to create trust and willingness to make the appointment. The father mentioned does not have a HIPPA release.
Dr. Amador Cambridge Talk on Helping People W/ Mental Illness
Dr. Xavier Amador, founder of The LEAP Institute giving a public talk on how to help people with mental illness who don’t realize they are sick. Sponsored by the NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Cambridge Chapter. The lecture was given on the evening of October 2, 2012 at the Cambridge Public Library in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Learn to LEAP Trailer
This video is a trailer for the Learn to LEAP video featuring Dr. Xavier Amador, world-famous expert on schizophrenia.
► You can learn from the LEAP DVD or Book
Beyond the Glass Ceiling
Dr. Amador talks about the difference between negative and positive symptoms in schizophrenia, and how being aware of, and treating, negative symptoms can give people with schizophrenia a better quality of life, can help them rise beyond the “glass ceiling” where patients often stall in their struggle to regain normal lives.
Making a Difference in the Lives of Patients with Schizophrenia
An excerpt from an educational video about schizophrenia featuring renowned psychologist Xavier Amador. Dr. Amador shares his personal experience of being a caregiver to his brother and shares his thoughts on helping patients achieve better outcomes. Written and produced by Kristin Pelletier, Blue Truck Productions.
I Am Not Sick, I Don't Need Help! | Schizophrenia: Three Moms in the Trenches
Schizophrenia in the Family. How do we cope? How can we help? We each have adult sons with schizophrenia and have written acclaimed books about it. We say it like it is, to help families, practitioners and those with SMI (serious mental illness) feel less alone…and learn. Randye Kaye, Mindy Greiling, Miriam Feldman…and guests.
Defining and Diagnosing Anosognosia
In the first part of this video series, Lindsay Galvin Rauch, Owner of Event Design Group, interviews Xavier Amador, PhD, Cofounder and CEO, The Henry Amador Center on Anosognosia and the LEAP Institute, on defining and diagnosing anosognosia as it relates to severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia.
The Impact of Anosognosia and Noncompliance
In Part 2 of this video series, Lindsay Galvin Rauch, Owner of Event Design Group, and Xavier Amador, PhD, Cofounder and CEO, The Henry Amador Center on Anosognosia and the LEAP Institute, discuss how anosognosia impacts treatment noncompliance and the impact on family dynamics.
Treatment Advocacy Center- Research into Poor Insight and How to Help - Dr. Xavier Amador
Dr. Xavier Amador’s Keynote address at the 2022 National AOT Symposium & Learning Collaborative. **NOTE: due to technical issues with the audio, enabling subtitles for the first 7 minutes of this video may be helpful.